Monday, June 4, 2012

I Might Be A Zombie....

I had every intention of today's post being filled with fun photos from our week long vacation. Really, I did. Alas, Delta Airlines and JFK airport had a different plan for us.....
After being delayed for more than 3 hours we finally arrived at our apartment last night at 3:30 AM (p.s. this is pacific time. Our bodies were still running on Eastern time.... uh yeah) Exhausted we climbed into bed to sleep for a measly 3.5 hours before getting up to start our day....
So to keep from being such a grouch, I'll stop this post now and try again tomorrow!

Before the craziness of delayed departures and turbulent weather... all smiles and tanness!


  1. You are too cute! Loving the hat! So glad you had a great time. Xo

  2. Ah you should have called me! We would have come to JFK and grabbed coffee or something chocolatey :)


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